April 8, 2024 meeting

Gary Phillips made this podium so that the presenters can hide behind it — OK, it allows them to lay their presentation material down and turn pages easier — next up, a way to clip the microphone to the podium

Some of the Corvettes the members drove to this meeting. The weather was perfect for Corvettes

Buffalo Cornbread became a Bronze level sponsor of the Ridge Runner Corvettes club at this meeting.


March 11, 2024 meeting

Gary Phillips made this podium so that the presenters can hide behind it — OK, it allows them to lay their presentation material down and turn pages easier — next up, a way to clip the microphone to the podium

Some of the Corvettes the members drove to this meeting. The weather was perfect for Corvettes

  January 8, 2024 MEETING 

This is the first meeting of the new year. At this meeting, officer positions transition based on the November elections. The outgoing officers are recognized for their service to the club. Lest you think we are all fun and games, the 20234 budget proposal is reviewed and then voted on my the membership.


President: Brian Pollock
Vice President & Membership Chair: Transitioned from Bill Bowman to Scott Doelling
Secretary: Transitioned from Sue Pollock to Lee Bates
Treasurer: Dave Smits
Member-At-Large: Penney Baumgartner
Past President: Jerry Pimental

Appointed Positions

Cruise-In Show Chair: Transitioned from Mary Smits to David Baumgartner
Events Coordinator: Kelly Hancock
NCM Ambassador: Transitioned from Lee Bates to John Brunett
Social Media Team: Sherry Brunett, Jerry Pimental, Brian Pollock, Dave Smits
Goodwill Ambassador: Sherry Brunett

Date: Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Meetings are held at Buffalo Cornbread


Gary Phillips made this plaque to honor Sue Pollock’s 4 years as club Secretary

Gary Phillips made this C8 Corvette Generation Sign. This one sold at the meeting for $100. He can make one for any Corvette generation. Just contact him at gwphillips3@gmail.com

Kelly Hancock is modeling the socks that were purchased at the December meeting auction by Sunburst for $111. Hey, she needed a stocking stuffer (no pun intended)

Gary Phillips made this sign to visually track the club’s progress towards having funds to sponsor a veteran and dog team for $8,500. As you can see, we are half way there as of the January meeting.