corvette links

The Corvette Generations
in pictures and words

August 18, 2023: I just wanted to let everyone at Ridge Runner Corvettes know our library loved your collection of Corvette links. As the head reference librarian, I've been handed the task of updating our resource guides over the summer months. We try to get this done before school starts again in September and we get too busy! Can you believe we're halfway through already August already? Time flies!

The staff and I are currently working on our 'Automobile History' guide. You shared some great Corvettes websites to incorporate into our references -- we really appreciate the help! And to pay it forward, my assistant Kelly asked me to send you this collection of fun readings on Corvettes...
Kelly was very excited to share it with you! She didn't see it listed, but thought other Vette enthusiasts would enjoy it!
Mrs. Stagle

We’re always happy to add Corvette related links to this page.

 March 31, 2022: Kelly, a youth services librarian and educator has been running an automobile history and classic cars project for a small group of 9-12 year olds online over the last few weeks. The group found this page on our website and found it to be a big help. Anna, one of the youngest and most enthusiastic members of the group found an article explaining the timeline of the Corvette from the C1 to C6 generations (she did receive some help from her dad). She wondered if the club would be interested in including a link to the article on this page. Well Anna, promoting the love of Corvettes is part of our mission statement so we are thrilled to add the link and give you credit for bringing it to our attention. So, without further ado, here is the link:
Thank you Anna. We hope you become a Corvette owner in the future.

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the C8 Corvette eRay — a technical discussion

How the C8 Corvette is made

xSimple Maintenance Tips

By Steven Verdone and comments by Ray Colgrove & Michael DeMolina

  1. Check your radiators for debris

  2. Check the inner bands of your tires for wear

  3. Consider a scissor lift

Updated 11/15/2023

c7 Corvette - facts & tips

Compiled by Steven Verdone from the following sources:

  1. C7 Corvette User Manual

  2. C7 Corvette Service Manual

  3. GM Technical Service Bulletins

  4. Corvette Forums

  5. Other Corvette clubs

Added 7/7/2023